

现在是它的第六个十年, the 立博体育官网 sits proudly on a 350-acre campus that once stood as the city of Hartford’s last working farm.

这所大学在二战后的繁荣时期作为一所通勤学校开始,当时回国的士兵正在寻找由G资助的教育.I. Bill®. 哈特福德的推动者们认识到需要一所大学,于是把三所小学校聚集在城市各处的建筑里, including the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art and the Hartford YMCA.

不像大多数新英格兰私立大学, the 立博体育官网 did not begin as a small liberal arts institution. From the outset, 它开设了电子学课程, engineering, technology, 还有音乐方面的教育, the visual arts, 还有艺术和科学. Today, it is known for excellence in the visual and performing arts, engineering, and business; small classes; and its focus on mentoring all students.

The University has always been coed and open to all students, regardless of their background. Designed initially to meet the needs of Hartford residents, it has stayed true to the founders’ ideals but greatly surpassed its modest goals. Its mission today is to educate students as citizens of the world, 鼓励他们出国留学, 参与社区服务, and take responsibility for the planet and their futures.

从1957年2月时任州长亚伯拉罕·里比科夫签署法案授予立博体育官网宪章开始, 远见卓识的领导人领导着这个机构. 文森特·布朗·科芬, 一位知名且有影响力的保险公司高管, was named the first chancellor of the University in 1958. Archibald Woodruff followed in 1967, and his title was changed to president in 1970. Stephen Joel Trachtenberg took up the mantle in 1977, followed by Humphrey  Tonkin in 1989 and Walter Harrison in 1998. 每届政府都认真指导大学,帮助它适应不断变化的时代,同时保持它在财政和学术上的课程.

The Early Years

The University’s roots go back to 1877 when one of the three founding schools, 立博体育官网, opened. It was initially called the Hartford School for Decorative Arts, and was founded by prominent Hartford women Olivia Clemens, Elizabeth Colt, 哈里特·比彻·斯托, 玛丽·布什内尔·切尼, 苏珊·沃纳.

两位音乐教育家, 摩西·偏执狂和朱利叶斯·哈特, 建立了第二所创始学校, 哈特音乐学院, 现在被称为哈特学校.

一位名叫查尔斯·都铎·希勒尔的内战将军在哈特福德的基督教青年会开始上课,这里就是后来的希勒尔学院. 1952年,塞缪尔一世. Ward gave Hillyer College the Ward School of Electronics, an electronics school to train technicians for a brand new industry at the time—television. The school is now part of the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture.

With backing and encouragement from local community and business leaders, the schools came together in 1957 on a 150-acre stretch of farmland on Bloomfield Avenue known as the Gabriel farm, 哈特福德最后一个农场. 一所新的大学诞生了.

Despite the founders’ differences in subject matter and teaching styles, they all believed in the importance of education and were dedicated to making it available to all, 这一承诺至今仍然有效.

当马丁·路德·金. came to Hartford in 1959 as a speaker in a new University lecture series, 校园里还没有礼堂. Instead, he delivered his speech,  “The Future of Integration,” at Hartford’s Bushnell Memorial Hall. 白天,他与学生们非正式会面,回忆起在康涅狄格州附近的烟草田工作的一个夏天.

The first academic building, University Hall, later named Hillyer Hall, opened in 1960. 1963年和1964年, The Hartt School and 立博体育官网 moved into their respective buildings on campus. By the early 1960's, the University was already considering expanding its reach beyond Hartford. But students who lived further away needed housing.

The first residence halls opened on the residential side of campus in 1967, followed by a student union and athletics facilities. A library and new cafeteria, University Commons, opened in 1971. Students soon learned the joys of sledding down snowy campus slopes on food trays.

As the student body grew, more buildings sprang up on campus. From the original Hillyer College came the forerunners of today’s College of Arts and Sciences, 巴尼商学院, 教育学院, 护理和卫生专业, 和工程学院, Technology, and Architecture.

Early honorary degree recipients at the new University included African American contralto Marian Anderson, 作曲家亚伦·科普兰, 诗人华莱士·史蒂文斯, 哈特福德的居民.


The 1980's were a time of expansion for the University—as it was for the rest of the country. 入学人数不断增长,, under the impressive fundraising skills of President Trachtenberg, 几个新的建筑项目开始了. 联合技术厅, the Beatrice Fox Auerbach Computer and Administration Center, 科诺威校园中心, and the Harry Jack Gray Center all broke ground during this period, along with a trio of residential housing additions: the 村公寓, Regents Park, 还有帕克河公寓.

当时特拉滕伯格还在掌舵, 经济学家Franco Modigliani说, 音乐家本尼·古德曼, 作家威廉·斯蒂伦, 世界名人吉汉·萨达特和埃利·威塞尔, 剧作家田纳西·威廉姆斯, and comedian George Burns were among those who came to campus to receive honorary degrees.

在学术方面, Trachtenberg strengthened requirements for faculty and implemented the All-University Curriculum, a cross-disciplinary learning program for undergraduates. 他还帮助启动了心理学博士课程,并为扩展到健康相关领域奠定了基础,这些领域成为今天教育学院的一部分, 护理和卫生专业.

Together with then University Secretary Charles Condon, he helped establish the John G. 马丁奖学金, which provides a graduating senior each year the opportunity to spend two years at the University of Oxford in England, studying for a master’s degree in Hertford College.

与此同时,体育项目也在发展. In 1984, 为了在全国范围内更有竞争力的赛程和提高大学的知名度,体育运动搬到了一级赛区. The Hawks were accepted into the ECAC North Atlantic Conference, which later became the America East. The University would continue its proud athletics history in the ensuing years, producing all-stars in both Major League Baseball (Jeff Bagwell) and the National Basketball Association (Vin Baker); three golfers who competed on the PGA Tour (Jerry Kelly, Tim Petrovic, and Patrick Sheehan); and a National Lacrosse League Rookie of the Year (Tracey Kelusky).


随着20世纪90年代新十年的开始——经济衰退——全国的高校——尤其是东北部的高校——遇到了各种各样的障碍, 大学适龄人口的急剧下降, and widespread job layoffs affecting the financial resources of many families. Competition between schools and colleges intensified.

The Board of Regents decided in 1989 to make the University international. Global communities and international business were on the horizon. Tonkin, 谁出生在英国, 他在就职典礼上与来自北美和欧洲的约50所大学的领导人举行了一次会议,强调了国际联系的重要性,并为新政府定下了学术基调.

Tonkin also oversaw the implementation of several programs that reached out to the Hartford community. He started Educational Main Street (EMS) that placed UHart students at nearby Weaver High School, 安妮费希尔小学, 和其他城市学校做家教. The hope was that program would encourage Hartford students to stay in school and graduate. 这个项目一直延续到今天,增加了一个课后网络,为K到11年级的学生提供项目.

At the same time, the Hartford Scholars program began. 该项目为居住在哈特福德、毕业于哈特福德公立高中或参加“选择项目”的郊区高中的学生提供半学费奖学金, a state program to improve diversity in suburban schools. Since its inception, more than 400 students have graduated from the University as Hartford Scholars.

东京还与市和州领导人合作,计划在校园内建立一所与东京大学相联系的磁铁小学. 立博体育官网磁石学校招收学前班到五年级的儿童,于2001年哈里森执政期间在校园南端开放.

During Tonkin’s administration, there were changes to the academic programs as well. In 1991, the University began an architectural engineering program, which became a popular major. 开设了工程专业硕士学位课程,开设了音乐教育和教育领导专业博士学位课程. New programs in occupational and physical therapy also attracted many students. The Hartt School began offering Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees in dance and theatre, and the Department of Communication was given quasi-collegiate standing, 成为传播学院.

Also during Tonkin’s presidency, Hartford College for Women merged with the 立博体育官网. 该学院于1933年在哈特福德基督教青年会成立, and later moved to Asylum Avenue to occupy the 13-acre property purchased and donated to the college by Paul Butterworth, 儿童作家的父亲, 奥利弗·巴特沃斯.

In the 1990's, 网球冠军和艾滋病活动家亚瑟·阿什, 天文学家卡尔·萨根, 探险家索尔·海尔达尔, 演员哈尔·霍尔布鲁克, and abstract painter Jules Olitski were among those who received honorary doctorates.


The University stepped into the 21st century with a new president in Walter Harrison, 谁能很快与学生建立融洽的关系, 通过一场筹款活动帮助哈佛大学实现了转型,这场活动带来了新的建筑和项目,以及新的校园精神.

Harrison’s fundraising campaign raised more than $175 million, 为新建筑铺路, studios, 还有体育设施和奖学金, endowed chairs, 以及教职工研究.

这次运动使他能够为大学追求一个新的愿望——在科学领域取得地区声望和全国知名度, engineering, and technology. 为了实现这个目标, the first building project connected to the fundraising campaign was the new Integrated Science, Engineering, 及科技综合大楼.

UHart also built a new arts and technology complex at 立博体育官网 and a new dormitory, Hawk Hall, 及其邻近的聚集地, Alumni Plaza. HAS的两层楼的rensamuels中心为陶布大厅和媒体艺术和摄影工作室提供了一个新鲜的立面.

In 2008, at the site of a historic Hartford car dealership designed 80 years earlier by pioneering industrial designer Albert Kahn, the Mort and Irma Handel Performing Arts Center opened. This 55,000 square foot state-of-the art facility has five dance studios, 四个剧院排练室, 三个录音室, 还有两个黑盒子影院, 并已成为一个充满活力的舞蹈、戏剧教学和表演的新中心,是通往哈特福德市的关键门户之一.

The campaign also allowed the University to build its first on-campus baseball field and a new softball field, 还要整修足球和曲棍球设施.

通过哈特大学和哈特福德公立学校之间的另一项合作,该大学还在其校园内开设了另一所公立学校——大学科学与工程高中. 这所高中最初在前哈特福德女子学院校园临时开放,然后于2009年搬进了位于哈特大学校园的新楼.

也是在哈里森任期内, the University administration announced that it would close Hartford College for Women, and in 2006, 大学成立了“妇女教育及领导基金”(后更名为“妇女发展倡议”),以延续香港妇女学会的传统, namely to enhance the education of women; empower women to lead; promote women as scholars; and enrich the campus community and beyond. The fund provides scholarships for students and research grants for students, staff, and faculty.

最近(2012年), Hillyer Hall, 这所大学最古老的教学楼, received a facelift and expansion through the addition of the 10,000平方英尺的肖中心. 希利尔学院的专用家, 肖中心增加了教员办公室, 新教室空间, 研讨会及会议室, 以及一个名为Regents Commons的大型聚会空间. UHart lore has it that every student takes at least one course that meets in Hillyer Hall during their college career.

哈里森到达后不久, 大学开设了一个社区服务中心,最初的重点是招募学生到周围的大哈特福德社区做志愿者. 该中心很快扩大了其范围,并开始派遣学生参加仁人家园的春假旅行,在罗利建造房屋, N.C.  学生们继续放弃传统的春假阳光和沙滩,帮助路易斯安那州和比洛克西的社区在飓风过后进行清理. The center has also coordinated various student efforts to raise more than $9,2010年为海地地震救灾捐款.

Closer to home, the University started a Day of Service called “Hawks Helping Hartford,” which was organized by the center and the Student Government Association. 该中心设有一个网站,将志愿者与机构联系起来,并与教授合作开发服务学习机会.

Harrison also brought new college traditions to the University. With help from The Hartt School, he introduced a new fight song, an alma mater, and a pep band.

许多名人, heads of state, and founders of modern industry visited campus in the first quarter of the new century, 包括奥巴马总统, 2013年谁来给学生做演讲, faculty, and the families of those killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in nearby Newtown, Conn.


In June 2017, Harrison retired as the longest serving president in University history (19 years). Gregory Woodward became the 立博体育官网's sixth president.

在伍德沃德的领导下, the 立博体育官网 launched 16 new and in-demand academic programs, 包括护理, 航空航天工程, 业务分析, robotics, data science, 职业治疗(硕士), 计算机科学(硕士), 以及数字媒体和立博网站中文版业. UHart has increased online offerings and created new ventures in corporate programming, 专业证书, 以及联合或加速学位课程.

Stressing from day one on campus the importance of seeing each and every student who enrolls at UHart graduate, 伍德沃德的指导下重新献身 and holistic commitment to the success of all students. The 学生成功中心 opened in 2019, 一个新的空间集中支持服务,并为所有一年级和转学生提供专业学术顾问. The efforts contributed to record increases in retention rates the first year, 包括有色人种学生的16%的增长.

Opened in fall 2021, the 60,000-square-foot Francis X. and Nancy Hursey Center for Advanced Engineering and Health Professions has transformed campus and will meet the needs of high-caliber students—and will serve as a feeder of in-demand students for local employers— 在未来的岁月里. The building’s specialized 以及技术丰富的设施 are getting rave reviews from both students and industry leaders.

Woodward also focused on enhancing the physical appearance of campus, spearheading an additional $47.500万美元的资本改善,包括 巴尼商学院的扩建 and notable renovations to Millard Auditorium in The Hartt School and 根格拉斯学生会. The 村公寓, home to more than 800 UHart students, were completely remodeled in summer 2022.

在此期间, the 立博体育官网 transitioned its athletics program to an NCAA Division III classification, better aligning its athletics offerings with the institution’s mission and goals, 增加更多学生运动员的机会, and offering more robust recreation and wellness programming for all students.

伍德沃德指导的开发和推出 UHart Start-制定大学五年战略行动计划,以指导大学转型的优先行动, 确保卓越, 保持成功. He has also helped the University raise more than $75 million in impactful fundraising—including the largest gift from an alumnus in the University’s history—and form many new, 战略合作伙伴关系.

Woodward retired at the conclusion of the 2022–23 academic year. Stephen Mulready, 77届, who had been serving as dean of 巴尼商学院 and who has been engaged with the University for decades, 他被任命为代理大学校长. He will guide UHart through June 2024 as the campus community awaits its next leader, Larry Ward, 谁将在7月1日成为第七任总统, 2024年——谁来帮忙 write the next chapter of the institution's remarkable history.